G3 Dual Motor Support release for systems purchased after Aug 23, 2022
The previous release support page is here
Version 0.7.5 is the latest firmware release for the G3 controller. This single version of firmware supports Single and Dual Motor installations and can be changed in the field with the new "c dual" CLI command.
Prior to leaving the factory each controller is configured for its designated role as a Single motor controller or in the case of a Dual system with 2 controllers, one designated as the Primary and the other as a Secondary. When the system is ordered as a Dual, the Primary & Secondary controllers will have a "Home Automation/Interface" adaptor attached to the side, as well as a sticker on the backside of the case showing its designation as Primary or Secondary.
When powered on, the controller will display its programmed role as Single, Primary or Secondary using the status LED's on the end of the controller opposite the AC power connector. When designated as the Primary, LED 3 will illuminate RED indicating an issue with communication to the Secondary. This can be as simple as the network cable not being connected between the 2 controllers, the Secondary is powered off or the secondary controller is misconfigured.
Note: The Status LED's are only updated at power on. When using the LED's for diagnostic purposes such as connecting the network cable after power on, make the connection, then power BOTH controllers off. Then power on the Primary first, wait 5s, then the Secondary. Recheck the LED's on both controllers for status.
G3 Single Motor Configuration
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G3 Dual Motor Configuration (PRIMARY)
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G3 Dual Motor Configuration (PRIMARY w/Error)
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G3 Dual Motor Configuration (SECONDARY)
| ![]() | ![]() |
CAT 5/6 Network Cable For Dual Systems:
The final component of a Dual system is the interconnect cable used to provide communication between the Primary and Secondary. The included cable is a 75' CAT 6 network cable. For longer spans, a 100' cable is also available upon request. The network cable plugs into the "Home Automation\Interface Adaptor" attached to both the Primary and Secondary controllers.
If the cable provided in the kit is damaged or missing, any CAT 5/6 cable can be used to provide the required communication for the system. These cables are available at local hardware or electronic stores.
The interface cable MUST be a CAT6 or CAT5 network cable. Flat wire used for keypads WILL NOT WORK.
The network cable MUST be connected to the port on the "Home Automation/Interface" adaptor. DO NOT connect the cable to any port on the RS485 GPIO adaptor EVER!!!
Determining Primary & Secondary Doors for Dual Installations:
Dual systems are configured in the factory for 90 Degree configuration by default. In the field the system can be changed to a dual Bi-Part configuration using the wall switch or via the Primary controllers CLI using the command "c drtp XXX".
90 Degree Primary Controller:
The primary MUST be connected to the door that MUST open first from the closed position. This is dictated by the astragal attached at the primary and secondary panel edges at the close point.
- Close both panels so that the astragal is fully engaged at the close point.
- Since the astragal interlocks both doors together, one door MUST open first before the second door can move away from the close point.
- The door that MUST move first is the Primary door and the Primary controller MUST be attached to this door.
- The other door is therefore the Secondary.
- The primary door is also the door that should have the optional RS485 adaptor attached for wired accessories such as wired wall switches and wired motion detectors. Bluetooth CLI access to the primary is then available to the installer if needed.
- There is NO direct CLI access to the Secondary controller with this firmware release. Contact the factory or refer to the full installation manual if special Secondary CLI access is needed.
Bi-Part Primary Controller:
For a Bi-Part system the primary controller can be on either door set. It really does not matter and comes down to where the installer desires the wired accessory flat wires to terminate.
90 Degree & Bi-Part Settings Before or After Programming:
NEVER operate a 90 Degree door in Bi-Part mode...
A Quick Check After Programming the System:
- After programming the system press the "Unlock" button to release the magnetic brake.
- Manually open both sets of doors until clear of the astragal.
- Press the "Open" button..
- If the both sets of panels begin moving at the same time, this is "Bi-part" mode and you must change the system to "90 Degree(One-Way) mode.
- If the Primary panel moves FIRST, then the Secondary, this is correct for a 90 degree system.
- If the Primary & Secondary move at the SAME TIME, this is is correct for a Bi-Part system.
- On a Bi-Part, if the panels do not move at the same time, use the table below to set the correct mode.
- If the Secondary panel moves first, then the Primary, the controllers attached to the wrong doors.
The controllers MUST be swapped and reprogrammed.
Version 0.7.5 firmware enabled a wall switch feature allowing the installer to set either 90 Degree(one-way) or Bi-Part configuration from the wall switch after entering programming mode. This feature can be used before or after fully programming the system and does not affect the current program on the controllers. The previously supported CLI command "c drtp oneway | bipart" is still supported when the installer has CLI access to the Primary controller. When issuing the "drtp" command on a dual system, setting "oneway" sets the system as 90°. This setting is only required on the Primary controller.
Bi-Part Setting and UL325
The "Bi-Part" setting for both Single and Dual installations plays a role in the UL325 safety mechanism. On a single motor system that is configured as Bi-Part, the panel mass is doubled because there are 2 panels attached to the same belt effectively doubling the mass that may impact a user. This impact force is at the heart of the UL325 specification.
The firmware uses this information to set the maximum panel speed to comply with UL325. This mass doubling only occurs when the system is a Single Motor Bi-Part. On a Dual Bi-Part system, the door mass is used as programmed and not doubled because each side of the opening is controlled by it own motor stack.
System Function | Wall Switch Method | CLI Method | Result |
90 Degree/One-Way "Dual" |
| Primary door opens FIRST and CLOSES last. |
Bi-Part "Dual Motor" |
| Both Primary & Secondary doors move at the same time. |
Programming a "Dual" System...the Short Form:
If you have installed a G3 in the past you already know how to program a dual system! The dual G3 system is programmed twice, once for the Primary and again for the Secondary. The steps are the same as previous G3 firmware releases.
- Power both controllers OFF and the network interconnect cable connected between the Primary & Secondary controllers...
- Make sure BOTH doors are CLOSED.
- Power up the Primary controller, wait 5 seconds
- Power up the Secondary
- Verify both Primary and Secondary are displaying their correct LED status shown above and correct any issues.
- Using a wall switch press and hold the "Stop" button for about 10s, or until you hear the primary motor "click"
- Set the Jam depth: Move the primary panel about 1/4" to 1/2" to clear the astragal. Wait for the motor "click"
- Set the Motor Polarity: Move the primary panel towards open about 1 foot open and wait...
- After a few seconds, the primary panel should move about 4" towards either open or closed.
- After it stops...
- Move the primary panel to its full open position.
- Friction Profiling: After about 10s, the primary should begin this final step.
- When complete the primary has been programmed and will stop at full open.
- Now we continue with secondary programming...
- With the primary stopped at full open, press the "Stop" button for 1s.
- The secondary motor should click and is waiting for installer to set the Jam depth.
- Repeat steps 3 - 5 above on the Secondary door.
- After the secondary completes its friction profile step and is at full open, both doors should close.
- If the doors do not close, the controllers may still be programmed...
- Press the "Close" button and if the doors close the system is programmed
- If the doors do not close...
- Manually close both doors, power cycle both controllers and try an Open.
- If all else fails the system may need to be reprogrammed
- Call technical support for additional instructions.
Related Links:
G3 Automation Installation Instructions_(v07x) "G3 Dual Release"
G3 Installation with 500 Series Motor "Special Features" v0.7.x
G3 Installation with 500 Series Motor (v0.6.7 Original Release)